‘Let nothing cr…

‘Let nothing crush you. Rise immediately.”
– Mary Baker Eddy, CSB

“Move forward like the kangaroo.”  – A CSB lecturer

“Most persons have no idea that a kangaroo cannot move backwards.  It can only move forward.  If we are to make progress, we cannot let the worst from the past dictate our present or  future and move backwards while calling ourselves an advanced civilization. Nor can we continue to allow racism and disability discrimination to be the heartbeat of this nation. We must repair the damages.”   – Maat

4 thoughts on “‘Let nothing cr…

  1. dreamingforbetter March 2, 2013 / 8:02 pm

    What nation is it you speak about?
    Good read BTW


    • drmaat2 March 2, 2013 / 9:38 pm

      Actually, I have to change that quote I made. I was speaking of the USA, but it really applies to the world since we are global people. Thanks for calling it to my attention. Love and peace, Maat

      P.S. Quote already changed from “the nation” to “any nation.”

      • dreamingforbetter March 3, 2013 / 10:12 am

        lol, sound mate.
        I was really just wondering. As I said, great read.
        Wasn’t sure what country you were talking about.
        I think that is what made it a good read, could have been ANY country, lol

        Racism is bad in Scotland. Scotland is a great place. nobody will say it out loud, but vast majority are Racist and Sectarian bigots.
        Just the way it is. It is our achilles heel


  2. drmaat2 March 3, 2013 / 6:47 pm

    Shaun, thanks for that revelation about Scotland. One of the former members of the church I attend has Scottish ancestry and went back to live. Other than the movie Braveheart directed by Mel Gibson, I don;pt know much about Scottish history, but for sure, freedom is a global need and desire. It unites people more than it divides. Something about witnessing the gains in independence of one people frees us all. Perhaps as we pray and continue to work according to our purposes in the right frame of mind, each in his own way, undisturbed by the ignorant machinations of racism and disability discrimination, and without doing harm, then one day most persons will be able to look at another and see a person’s spiritual identity first (not to be confused with religion), and not a skin color or ethnic group or tribal member or nationality or cultural identity or income status or social status or relationship to the Queen of England or the Illuminati or the World Bank or the cliques that exist to isolate and alienate people. Meanwhile we can see still visualize it within and discern what is best for us and the world. Love and Peace, Maat

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